Family Generation Calculator
Calculate the length of your family generation based on your parents' ages when you and your siblings were born. You can also calculate for previous generations in your genealogical tree, or for others.
Entry Fields
In Mother's Birth Year field, enter the year the mother was born; In Father's Birth Year field, enter the year the father was born. You can provide birth year for both parents, or just one. Generational length is shown for each parent, as well as the average if both are provided. If you are the parent, enter the year you were born into the field here and enter your spouse/partner into the other field.
Use the Sibling Birth Year fields to enter the year of birth of each of these parents' children. If caclulating for yourself as a child of these parents, enter your birth year here. If there are more than 6 siblings, make sure to enter the birth year of the oldest and youngest siblings, as this will help calculate a more accurate generational length.